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SQL Data Exploration - Covid

Jul 17

1 min read




This is an SQL data exploration performed in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) on a data set from

Through experience and training in SQL, I can manipulate data in multiple versions of SQL to perform the complex functionality of the software. Techniques used to work this data include creating a new database, creating tables within that database, and coding in JOINS to query tables for increased accuracy and usability. Changing data types of various fields through CONVERT and CAST functions. Coding around discrepancies in the data results with WHERE, LIKE, and IS NOT NULL along with the NULLIF function. PARTITION was also used for better recognition and understandability of running totals in the data over time.

For a full look at the code written for this exploration, please view my git hub link.

To see the results of this data manipulation, please see the related post for Tableau Covid Data Visualization.

Jul 17

1 min read





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